Thursday, May 15, 2014
Black Porno versus White Porno
Relevance of Slavery and White Aristocracy
Lawrence Fishburne's daughter Montana Fishburne is a porn star. She also goes by the name of Chippy D. A striking resemblance to her father, Montana has skin markings on her derriere. She seems to come from privilege. Could it be in her smile. A face that has known success and happiness at one time in her life even if it came through her father's very own success.
In many ways Chippy D. is an example of a good girl gone bad, many examples as to how and why young girls are drawn into the adult entertainment business. It is not known personally or in the media what type of relationship Montana shares with her father but watching her in these sex videos it brings to mind other women who were unfortunately drawn into that world like Dorothy Stratten for example. There's something special about her, as if she is too good for this. Good in the sense that she has heart, unlike other porn stars be it young who are demeaned or forced into it, less respected, who exhibit an innocent, depraved or wild behavior.
Montana is more or less naughty. It's with curiosity and respect with which we watch her. It's very much like watching a sex tape of a famous person. But that presents itself with a different quandary. A sex tape is watched in secrecy. Montana is a porn star, officially or unofficially. She is not known for other talents besides the sexual behavior she exhibits in the video.
A great comparison after watching a Montana Fishburne sex video would be Paris Hilton's sex tape. They both obviously are from wealth and success. But the difference are in the sexual acts involved. Paris comes from white aristocracy. The video presents her as a young moneyed blonde girl up to know good or in a sense misbehaving. In an atmosphere of luxury she performs oral sex or has oral sex performed on her. This could represent any number of scenarios of proven women in history where we are given a camera's view of their lives behind closed doors. Paris is a better example than Kim Kardashian because Paris once again represents money, sex and power. After all her sex tape was one of the firsts in history.
Montana Fishburne's video is treated as porno. She presumably is performing for money. There is no initial intention to prove her sexual prowess to the viewer. Most sex tapes are employed to prove to the general public the libidinal energy of an actor or celebrity. Montana Fishburne is more like a living-breathing-fuck-doll. It starts with that silly, joyous smile on her face inviting the viewer into the scenario. She is quite playful and a good dancer. Her body is fit as with most porn stars. She has a tattoo across her shaven pelvic area. A feeling can be had that she actually enjoys performing oral sex. That as an act it is something she enjoys. Much can be said of her as a porn actress that she enjoys performing. She seems satisfied as she is being penetrated by a male porn actor. Their act is a series of pleasurable behavior as with any couple true to life. There is foreplay. It can be said that it's actually love making. Care is given in thinking about who she is so much that she is not abused. Her behavior in the video showcases her as a person. Otherwise in other videos she frolics, performing oral sex and having meaningless intercourse.
What is black porno? Is it as simply put a video of two or more black people performing sexual acts? How do interracial videos change this perspective if it's a two black men and white woman threesome or two white men and one black girl threesome?
From time immemorial as in porn from the 1970's featured a black man with an extremely long penis. Long Dong Silver comes to mind. Black porn was supposed to feature the black Mandigo warrior slave. Mandigo was a movie which featured the professional boxer Ken Norton. It explored the black male libido which was later popularized in blaxploitation flicks like Shaft and Super Fly. The sexuality of the black man has been expressed in Hollywood as a man of the streets with a sophisticated nature. What Sidney Poitier lacked in overt sexual libido, Denzel Washington acquired in his sex appeal. There's been a strong lineage in how the world viewed the black male from Paul Robeson to the present. He has always been athletic, at times charming, sometimes, violent and a good lover. What warrants him as a black person is obviously the color of his skin. Therefore at times he is type-cast.
In the world of hip hop, the sexual culture of the black male is prevalent. It's another entry into the world of the sexual black male. Two of its dominant features are the lyrics in the songs and the use of buxumous women in the videos. The hip hop MC's have been viewed as pimps in the past. They propose sexual dominance.
In black porno the men vary. They are either men with overwhelming physique or are particular making love or fucking black women. The substance for their performance is based on cultural similarities, whether they come from the ghetto, (this is justified by their vernacular both sexual and in its dialog). Upon watching any sex video featuring a black couple in a sex act, one is lead to think of slavery. That we were once born, shipped to the western world. The act is a proliferation of what was a mass of men and women, children who were sold. Watching black porno is more than just an example of a black couple expressing themselves sexually. It brings reference to the history of man. How primates originated.
What strikes me personally is that we are never privy to see a black couple making love in the movies. Hollywood movies normally don't feature black couples in the sex act. So when I watch black porn I feel exhilarated. There is a sense of community, a feeling or likeness to some one, people with the same experience, of the same race. It becomes a matter of race. The politics of race can start with porn. When represented properly, sex in its innate presence can be viewed through body types, femininity, physicality. How do whites perceive black people if they are to interpret their behavior by watching black porn? Singularly, the most crucial advantage whites have now of acquiring any thought process about black people is through the commercialization of porn. Porn in all its current display is a way by which many people determine the behavior of most groups or race.
Genuinely white porn has no basis on politics. It is profound in the sense of marketing. White aristocracy allows for a behavior which permeates the minds and souls of its people, both black and white. The term white porno is almost non- existent. The status-quo is made up of principles and ideas which go beyond a particular group. Racial politics and its dominance on society is ongoing.