Tuesday, June 12, 2007

de Sade et Masoch

Kofi Fosu Forson

If black is the celebration of death, then red is murder. How does one teach the language of colors to a society driven by celebrity?

Are we drawn to war or are we born to fight? Honoring ones citizenship begins with the honoring of oneself. Man is masculine, first, because of his role in history not because of his sexual identity.

Handling a rifle is an extension of the penis. Women have that right. Theirs is an ideology. Man is subject to an evaluation, whether psychological or physical. He is ultimately a product of his own success or embarrassment. What governs this paranoia?

A knife to the genitals both male and female is a crucifying of any form of innocence. Pleasure therefore knows no existence. It’s a state of mind. That the mind is combustible is the very reason why we believe in order. But as in abstract art, order precedes disorder. They are entities apart but they help form the same conclusion.

What are the blessings of de Sade and Masoch and how do we apply it to the masculine and postmodern?

Death frightens man. To begin again renders the species of man as unconquerable. He therefore welcomes death or better yet spoken, a series of deaths. There is no rule through to eternity. But existing from a linear standpoint doesn’t guarantee freedom. If at all it restricts any notion of continuance--- The true perception of existence that life indeed never ends.

Exact the points A and B! In order to advance, one must make a bold step. The game is won however internally. The notion of success has more to do with conquering the fear of death than it does physically advancing from one point to the next.

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