Monday, September 24, 2007


Kofi Fosu Forson

Circumstantially, the individual dwells within a cyber, internal and overall dominant physical space.

What are the advantages of cyberspace? How does it overwhelm the physical world?

As an entity the physical world defines our existence as a species. This is however managed separately and conclusively through technology and evolution. The balance of which is the ability of the human to adapt.

Cyberspace allows for such a transition. It’s a means by which the world is intellectually encapsulated. Moreover, this circumstance prepares for the individual a transformation from the physical world into a web related form of perception.

What has become of the individual is a will to constantly search for information. This then encourages him to circumvent through the trappings of the internet.

Is it the intellect that binds the conscience of a divided world? If so, is it fair to say that to dialogue in cyberspace is far-reaching, more so than the conversation between two people in a governed physical space?

How then do we protect the internal space? Are we free to dictate what happens in the world within or do we conform to the world outside?

To exist in cyberspace certainly becomes a world where we are in control of our actions whether to promote a lack of morality, intellect and self-will.

By happenstance, cyberspace influences the internal causing the physical body to remain disposable.

Is imagination then a resolve to sit under an apple tree and dream of butterflies?

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