Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Beauty is White
Black is Beautiful

Kofi Fosu Forson

“Beauty is white.”

The white conscience… It seeps into the subconscious like a snake in the grass. Who are its guinea pigs? How do they reform? Do they ever reform?

Beauty isn’t white. Beauty as a concept knows no color. As a part of the immigrant experience, children are inundated by images of Euro-American women. They grow to forget the notion of beauty in the eyes of the women they have known. As children, it’s impossible for them to understand the subtext of beauty.

There are those who are infinitely ethnic. They are one with family and have strong beliefs as ethnic people. But through the walk of life they attract a white culture. This could be due to place of education or employment. They too become alerted by a white conscience.

Ethnic culture is perceptibly defined alongside a white culture. Generations are influenced to maintain its history. This can be found in academia, education, scholarliness and articulation of history through art, music and dance.

There’s a form of segregation here. Meaning stay with the ones you feel comfortable. When it becomes an integrated society whereby ethnic people and those of an Anglo-Saxon background are not only socializing but inspiring ones cultural identity or even persona, it’s a reflection on how we are quick to turn into aliens.

Alien identity is defined by people not race.

“Black is beautiful” is meant as an inclusion to maintain the identity of blacks as a people. It’s a fair statement keeping with a sense of empowerment.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

Ask Revlon.

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