Thursday, November 08, 2007

Queen for a Decade
“Do You Want Me To Seduce You?”

Kofi Fosu Forson

The best example of seduction is not to plug but be determined full of ambition. Chryssie Hynde in the video for the song “Brass in Pocket” is a sight of cool perfection. She’s got much of the kitten’s purr, poised pussy, emerging.

Neither James Honeyman Scott, Martin Chambers nor Pete Farndon take to her in the video. As a matter of fact, they are with their own, driving away at the end. Chrissie coos and sighs not having won. But indeed with seduction, the victory is in the dance. Not what Chrissie would call the “soft cell” but the selling of the soft cell. What is the soft cell you may ask? The very thing that makes the world go round.

The 1980’s were full of panache. There was a sense of frivolity which now is as tense as a wire-wrapped-testicle. Seduction was sold with a sense of culture, first, then skin. The truth about what is infinitely seductive is that it’s a text of plurality. It can be found within a postmodernist conscience.

Commercially, it is limited to the mastering of the plug and pull. However grand, it creates an illusion between both genders as to what is the serenade.

Cindy Lauper sang about Girls Wanting To Have Fun. That sentiment is eternal. The nuclear family has lent itself to a rebellion. Rock and roll has liberated many and is indeed our downfall. But as with every drug, we should be careful whose hands possesses and manipulates. Music is universal. Rock and roll is a dangerous drug.

Death in rock and roll as celebrated from Jim Morrison to Layne Staley found a heart in the 80’s with songs by singers such as Alison Moyet, Phyllis Hyman and Rosie Vela. Alison Moyet was a British singer from the famed band, Yazoo. Phyllis Hyman was a soul singer. Rosie Vela, a model, gained an acclaim with her album Zazu.

Postmodernist thinking separates one from the masses. It enables an individual to celebrate that governed ideology which keeps them within the balance of the past and embraceable future.

Seduction is an art. So is death. Embrace the two, the equation is life.

“Do you want me to seduce you?”

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