What ever happened to Sex
Subjugation of Self-Realignment
Kofi Fosu Forson
I love therefore I am prick as echoed in previous blog suggests feel for deluge of snobbery found in most men on Saturday nights.
What ever happened to sex? It’s communicative when penis enters vagina but in postmodernist age, what are its potential constructs and circumstances? Has internet divulged truth behind reality versus virtual reality?
In modernism, Playboy, Hustler and Penthouse secured a commercial language for men as bachelors. This however predates what became of pornography in postmodernist era and how it made its way into internet and expression of such behavior as scat, mature sex and suggested rape.
Pornography and art can be found in works by Kathy Acker, Robert Mapplethorpe and even interventions by Vanessa Beecroft suggest an understanding of female body as property.
Fetish photography in works by Dave Naz and Richard Kern are less pornographic as they are drawn from non-commercial, humanistic and eccentric libidinal drive. Most models found here are qualifiedly everyday women.
Language in sex during modern age has seen an evolution from rebellious stage of 50’s nuclear family to “sex and drug culture” of 60’s and free sex revolution of disco 70’s. A.I.D.S. brought awareness in the 80’s. Rock and roll music and concert festivals, Lalapalooza and Lilith Fair, were re-established in 90’s. It inspired ad campaigns promoting use of condoms.
Television brought a sense of sophistication into popular culture with shows like Miami Vice. Moonlighting and Remington Steele explored gender politics. But with advent of cable, shows like Red Shoe Diaries and Hitch-Hiker took sexuality to a whole ‘nother level. Sex and The City was first to permeate popular culture. However, it purports that frank discussions of sex between women is enlightening. Further from the point, it painted a desperate portrayal, bland and comical in what is expected to be multi-dimensional.
This has permeated society as postmodernist woman is indeed a spectacle of many dimensions but in truth she is less transforming and more transitory, searching for an understanding.
Such is life, male or female. Currently, coitus is revisited in virtual state. Humanistically, body is in constant motion. Concentratedness on practice of making love and perception of women is more O.B.G.Y.N than revolutionalizing what was Donna Summer and is and always will be Madonna Ciccone.
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