Friday, August 29, 2008


By Kofi Fosu Forson

The first time I was introduced to Gwen was on graduation day when several people gathered at Roberto's apartment. His apartment had every item that should have been in the collection of a diabolical artist, from decaying swords to corsets and veils, not to mention a collection of cigarette lighters featuring imitation guns. Gwen couldn't have been more lurid in her colors-- her gorgeous red hair bound by a caramel colored hair clip. A view from the ceiling would have made her into a ceremonious tree, given the declension of colors: a red blouse, green belt and blue shoes. It must have been an example of Roberto's imagination and the first sign of his control over Gwen. A would be psychiatrist would have chosen the charcoal grey color of winter or the professionalism of autumn colors. Despite Gwen's allure, she convinced me of her perfect addition to Roberto's renewed charm. I had my perceptions and she neither met them nor did anything to change them. The truncated relationships Roberto had been involved in reformed into a loving partnership with Gwen. That night they held hands and affectionately kissed. Roberto's role as a vampire with black lipstick supposedly came to an end. He made a vow never to return home, where his tirades started, unless his family needed him. He continues to exhibit a no-nonsense masculinity and yet finds it in himself to laugh at his imperfections and what would otherwise seem bare-boned, knuckled and fisted.

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