Monday, November 24, 2008

Portrait of Parrot
Lust, Voyeurism and Self-Redemption

Kofi Fosu Forson

Word “lover” is of the embrace.

The technicality which binds us encourages one to seek a partner thereby freeing the self from neurosis. In modern terms we accept this as the norm. The cancelling factor thereby explains reasons why most if not all are captivated by love as disease.

Envision a parrot inside a cage. This abnormal pet is then the persona that we as lovers are programmed to be. At a disadvantage the parrot observes potential partners walk in and out.

Seldom do we manage an understanding behind who we are and ultimately what defines us in that role. What we claim are manifestations prescribed potentially as drug.

If the parrot in its mild euphoria claims an identity based on whatever dialogue and situations encouraged before him he then becomes product to that environment. Lover would then be a designed existence based on mother/father figure, societal norms and the interpreting of ones identity.

To engage in act of love…the crush in every being!

Hunger, lust, desire are basis for our survival. A longing would best express need for nourishment. Lust has probabilities bordering an intervention to will against as if by force of nature summon onto another reality ones hope and desire…the attraction and brilliance in another.

Lust then by nature is the most emphatic form of desire. It carries over in brilliant light what we seek in another. As predisposition, the human travels in a subconscious reality. If given towards the act of love, he gravitates without notion and/or by determination to the opposite gender.

In the virtual world, people live off the fancy of others based on intellect and sex. This brings about notions of fantasy and movement of light travelling through virtual reality.

Lustful desire then remains evident within a conscious space where one meditates on an image alongside a profile resulting in an exchange of text casual in the everyday variety. It never reaches fulfilment outside of potentiality surmised throughout transatlantic hook-ups or intense revelations depicting sexuality based on a spiritual and intellectual vibe.

How do we render ourselves as “lovers” with regards to modernity? Voyeuristically conscience revolves around the lives made functionable in the immediate world wide internet.

Is it then possible to harbour a conventional relationship and still be able to lust?

Livelihood bases itself on continuity. In doing so, we command a need for variety of things. Most of them are circumscribed by gender and sex. The greatest challenge would be to have it all (the fruit) and seek (pulp) in another.

Modern romance has inspired the female allowing for the inclusion of multiple partners, none of which has to do with lust…that undeniable desire. It’s more an excuse, a pointless and greedy hump, and not willingly embracing love.

What a person of intellect and sex seeks in lust is ability to protect the qualifying feeling of love, predicament found in an artist’s relationship with a muse or the circumstances surrounding marriage and infidelity.

In this the virtual age, best it exist in conscience, a means of deceit and contempt, not a drive towards abnormality.

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