Friday, April 23, 2010

FACEBOOK (Thread) CONVERSATION between Kofi Fosu Forson and Renata Onisko

Kofi Fosu Forson
a part of me is gigolo. a part of me is seducer. a part of me is vampire. Monica Bellucci is the most dangerous woman on earth. I would love to seduce one hot and glamorous Italian or Mexican actress model for one long evening of hot sex.

Renata Onisko If I were you, given those choices, I would go for Salma Hayek instead (when she played Frida)...So your normal breakfast is a glass of fresh blood?:

Kofi Fosu Forson
I've dealt heavily with a sexual neurosis as a young man only recently have I regrouped. The act of sex and or intercourse is not functional in my life. Having come from a past decade and a half of MUSES and deconstructing of the sex lives of some I tend to live in aura and fantasy. I live in a sexual realm with or without making love in the physical sense.

Renata Onisko
Same here... Physical abstinence, voluntary or induced, may open up new horizons of spirituality and give an incredible freedom (think monasticism). Physical act of connection with another being, on the contrary, takes it away and may lead to numerous mental disorders, you've mentioned above. Experiment is great, fantasy could be better than reality.

Kofi Fosu Forson
Is it true that once you encapsulate a notion of sexuality as endearing and wholesome almost pure... people sense it and like prey they harbor on that notion. people literally hunger for me follow me and peek out of curiosity where ever I go. You wouldn't believe but I'd be ok with it if I never have intercourse ever again and I live to be ninety. somehow the parallel of lust and chastity is amazing.

Renata Onisko
Is interesting that people are drawn to what they cannot have, or what they lack. Maybe you exude something, some sort of detachment that attracts them so much.
I always was envious about male's ability to remain in a physical relationship without getting emotionally attached, while females (unless they are androgynous or cold) get emotionally involved very quickly. I wonder, does it mean that they experience feelings deeper?

Kofi Fosu Forson
Men are stubborn and for most men it's about the kill the lay or the conquest not much is left for the romance. But there are those great men who honer women I believe they experience love deeper than most women. I for one write about gender and sexual politics it goes beyond having a relationship and making love. These would be deemed as acts and process but once these acts are processed articulated and written about there's more depth to the person. Do you not have a lover...?

Renata Onisko
Yes and no... I live in a fantasy land, which is why I was so enticed by yourself:) You flow with the conversation without interrupting, and a man enough not to dominate it with your machism. I've met some great men (and not so great), but, as I said earlier, you're quite exceptional...

Kofi Fosu Forson
I guess what Im going through is a transformation which is necessary in life I think when you come from a troubled background as I do. Circumstances surrounding sex and pornography has been big in my life and now it's a matter of deconstructing it. I continue to do the work and now I feel a little bit more elegant. But can you imagine a world without sex, drinking or masturbation. Im not that holy and I do plan on meaningful relationships with or without sex.

Renata Onisko
I love this thread, its like daily exchange with someone highly anticipated, but on public (public confessions?:) Tell me a bit about yourself?

It is interesting how you changed your comment, I did like the first version better:) I guess, this is how men are wired, very important thing to understand for anyone who wants meaningful relationships of any kind.

However, I can imagine a world without all the above, and I practice it from time to time. Would I expect from others to be that way? No. To develop your thought, it was interesting to find out from my interactions with African men, while abroad, about their very traditional views on family and relationships. Polygamy of men is considered the matter of fact by both sides. They remain separated for years with their wiwes (and obviously don't live in chastity), but they tend to come together afterwards and remain a couple. Herewith, if they find out that their wives were unfaithful while separated, they break up. I guess, this is the community thing, the way of survival in a tough environment? Is this a natural thing? I guess, it is...

Kofi Fosu Forson
African men are genuinely political, of family and of sex. The gamesmanship that goes on in the life of an African man you would not believe. Having had an affair with a woman from the U.N. I learned of the political and sexual affairs of African men in power. Like most men in power the language of sex is very important. This is the under current of how they survive...ways to manipulate women and other men in a cyclical manner where people are moved around like chess pieces.

I for one as a second generation African male lives a very nontraditional political and sexual life. First of all I'm not of politics the politics I know is the politics of art and gender not international or world politics. My father is a journalist so I've been around politics mostly to sit and watch him and his compadres sit and discuss politics is a beautiful thing. And as far as sex I have become chaste. The physical act of intercourse has somewhat been removed from my life. This is something that chose me and is natural. I feel more pure of heart and of mind. Then again this is very non African male.

I like intellectual affairs like this thread. To do so in real time seems impossible due to scruples and other gender complications. Time has changed. Intellectual light has transformed into the virtual. All people do is fall in love and get married or find ways to fornicate. Otherwise guys like me are potentially dangerous intellectually and sexually.

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