Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Male as Dude
Modernizing of the Gigolo Effect

Kofi Fosu Forson

There seems to be a distinguishable pattern among men in the modern sense. Not much attention is given to elegance most of which is suspended for machismo. 40's handsomeness was an example of etiquette and style many of these men as in Bogart were disciplined right down to their tailored fashions and genuine good looks.

Rock and Roll brought about a sophistication which was evident in the attitude among college students and gang members. The hippie tradition also added to this notion of self-freedom and rebelling. Once the gigolo status was commercialized more freedom was given to the disposition of the modern male. He was free to experiment with fashion and personal hygiene.

In the 80's fashion took a drastic curve with the welcoming of what was a new wave culture in music, art and film. The male identity was recognized in so many different ways with trends in money (The Wall Street subculture) Hip hop as well as the yuppie. With the introduction of gangsterism and corporate masculinity the male had a propensity to exhibit power mostly expressed through politics, music and art. The 90's male was rebel giving the standards and principles set to be free artistically and moneterally.

Much of the 2000 era has been subjected to the commercializing of porno and technology. It lessons the modern male's ability to be literary. This perception was last scene in the works of Philip Roth where as the male driven nature of writers and artists soon dissipated and were replaced by dispondent rockers and gangsta hip hoppers.

So currently the modern male is full of complex stereotypes all of whom are in it for sex and somehow suspend themselves within the notion of this new feminist society. Seemingly the disposition of the modern male is his concentration on defining the female for himself. Generally there is an understanding among men as to the masculiniazation of the female. Somehow men take it upon themselves to play victim to this irrespective of their status.

Sophistication and excellence is the order of the day for most men although some still resort to juvenile behavior and bravado. There continues to be distinctions among race and class. The white male at once hippie is also locally a dude in character or businessman. The nature of the elegant male is still prevalent and as the modern man deals with the topics of the day i.e. international politics, gender issues, local politics and the business of money, women continue to be his greatest discovery in love, marriage and or sex.

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