Sunday, August 21, 2011

Dear Readers of Black Cocteau,

I want to apologize for not posting for the past several months to what seems forever. I've been a participant on the social network Facebook. I seem to get more of an immediate response from the public once I post. I am able to share in a thread meaning one two or more people engage in a conversation as a reaction to my post. I have come to realize my blog Black Cocteau is not so much about an exchange with the public as it is a chance for me to express my thoughts on language and beauty along with a variety of topics which reflect my opinion on culture, gender and sexual politics. In doing so I gain an audience of people who share in this philosophy.

So I hereby return and continue with this very blog hoping I haven't lost my core audience hoping I make many more.

With Regards,

Kofi Fosu Forson

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