Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Was Picasso Gay When He Sat with Matisse Arguing About Flowers

Kofi Fosu Forson

German gorilla waits at bus top waddling empty lonely sidewalk

Wind blows his coiffure imagine German gorilla with pompadour

On the bus seat tapping his gorilla feet ogling through eye glasses

School of Visual Arts plastic bag glistening letters S.V.A. in red

I said to him “How is the old jungle. Have you climbed any trees?”

“What about professors? Does the name Bill Beckley ring a bell?”

Bill Beckley in his MC leather jacket philosophical David Hockney

Tongue tapped his way through texts: Umberto Eco Roland Barthes

Sunlight washed interior of bus he spoke about his life as sculptor

Wanted a scene separate from Playboys drugs and cheap women

What he needed was friendship: diner food pool hall jazz music

At my apartment glow of light listened as Charles Mingus howled

White walls almost shook in agreement we had found friendship

A world as this where men blow other men fuck each other for fun

Why would we ever have been gentlemen in the company of men

High rise twentieth floor open window looked down on poverty

Families pushing carts piles of groceries boxes and paper bags

Walked among them slid under branches leaves into open spaces

Faces worn made masculine women overweight bottoms in jeans

What might have been two men at a bar we go shopping for porn

Times Square desperate for pussy: blue magazine triple XXX video

Entering stores flipping pages women spread eagled bare breasts

French porn “Oui Oui Oui” not French people fucking not at all

A world now where we are one in an orgy homoerotic virtual exotic

How could I meet a man in passing say an innocent thing as hello

Not fondle inside bathroom pretend to be straight then fuck a friend

Animal is now punk pervert queer: animal fucks for love loves to fuck

Sexual ghosts seek orgasms transmit heat permeating our stratosphere

Bodies burn curious minds racial boundaries gender politics courtship

People want insatiably fucking aura of a person immediate satisfaction

Time passed I became human stumbled upon German Gorilla on train

Met on rooftop drinking red wine seemed homosexual new place in time

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