Self possessed man trying to find meaning walking edges of world
Digital camera by his side ventures out at night taking self portraits
self timed camera on ledge posing cigarette at lip fists clenched
camera flashes he deletes images makes final edit uploads them
on Facebook for moment forgets what it’s like to be human jacks
off after making eye contact mind fucks men outside reality’s
perception strangers on street sidewalks public transportation
pulls no punches arrives from sea on fire his mind is the L stop
during rush hour Mondo New Yorkers come after him thinking
he was David Johansen he’ll serenade you ask Sarah the waitress
at Parkside Lounge that Sunday when Jane Ormerod honored
Brant Lyon all the poets fell apart in drunken splendor he grabbed
microphone began singing song he didn’t know song he opened
his mouth hoped it would sing itself but there was Sarah standing
joy of a girl words parted his lips with melody others fell flat in
imperfection but wow whirlwind of song he walked a line ended
with name Sarah suicide bars where people go to drink themselves
dead started with water then built into abominable combinations
slouched in arms of Lucy dancing slowly something Irish on jukebox
sounded Irish but another bad imitation of The Pogues he danced until
he fell apart girl spat at him poured liquor over his body put his arm over
her shoulder they disappeared music played Johnny Cash White Stripes
women sat in corners bellies fat from drinking dollar drafts Mona Lisas
wronged by men who took them through Guernica they wanted to be
Frida Kahlo tame the bull that was Diego Riviera
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