Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sitting in Jail, Thinking of Snow

Why the snow gots to be so white when I’m feeling so black and blue
Ain’t nobody warned me about the weather today, I’ve been sleeping
Closing my eyes and dreaming, black listing every white mother fucka
See, I know no white person who ever loved a brotha, real talk son
We the garbage collectors, we the ones who pick up after white folk
Clean their toilets of dirt, but I’ve been sleeping, dreaming, my eyes shut
Holed up in this here room, where I can see the snow coming down fast

Ain’t eaten for days, once in a while they stick a plate underneath the door
It’s never something I want, fried pork and beans, I go hungry, I go hungry
Hungry to be in the arms of a woman, a baddass woman with big arms
To hold me, squeeze the flesh that falls from her body, turn her upside down
But I ain’t done nothing wrong, would never hurt a woman, not in this life
Or any other life, would I ever touch a woman the wrong way, I couldn’t
I know love, I know the love of my grandmamma, she the one who raise me

Bought me books, sat with me and read, stories about white folk, their world
How not to be when I came across white folk, been this way ever since
But it was a night I surely wanna forget, when I picked up a white woman
Sure was fine, had the curves of a black girl, all that hair, straight black hair
Sat with me by the bar, I was sitting she was standing, turned her back
Faced me with her side, then she turn around facing the bar, always smiling
With her eyes, with her mouth, sipping her drink, I put my hand around her

Stood up, got a bit closer, talked right into her about getting the hell out
Leaving that bar with all the colored lights, we was leaving, we was feening
But I never touched her, never put a hand on her, we was on my bed
Talking up some shit, she was next to me all perfect and fine, I make a move
She slap my hand away, it was like that through the night, we slept together
On my bed, with all our clothes on, I make a move she slap my hand away
Somehow I kept to myself, a man like me, a girl like that, where were we at

I got so mad, I damn near kicked her out, I lay there breathing, thinking
What in the world do I do with this woman, bitch didn’t wanna give it up
Our bodies curled up on that bed, in our clothes, no words were said
Woke up in the morning she wanted cappuccino, we had gotten into a fight
Didn’t take long before police were on my shit, fucking bitch cried rape
Blamed my ass for everything, getting her drugs and fucking her
Maybe I got her the drugs, maybe I fucked her, but I didn’t kill her

So why am I here, in this room, sitting in the dark, why am I here
When out there it’s snowing, snowing white powder, kind I used to sell
She was a ho, wanted to get high, now she got my ass in trouble doing time
All that for no nookie, but you know when you gots a victim it’s like sex
It feels like sex, you hand over the smack, look her in the eye, she wants it
She wants it more than cock, never figured her for a crack ho but she was
When it rains, it pours, when it snows, I gets high, thinking of white folk

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