Saturday, March 22, 2014

Black Pussy versus White Cunt

In Harlem, NYC, the streets are filled with black women with buxomous bodies, thick thighs, heavy breasted, big bottoms or the young fierce girls, streetwise, hard around the edges. The dichotomy in size is an example nonetheless but the query is more so the socio-politicizing of the black woman in terms of culture, the economy, religion and sexuality.

Culturally the black woman is rooted in slave culture. As much as the slave is mostly viewed through masculine realms, the female slave has served her time as well. The visionary aspect in modern terms would be Trinidadian and Jamaican women who tend to children of well to do white upper class families. It almost seems as a form of enslavement, whereby not much can be said for their intelligence and knowledge. All is left up to their motherliness and endearment. If anything at all the role they play is that of the maid.

As a child I was tended to by young black women from the villages who came to the city in search of education. They were maids. I viewed them as sexual vixens. To this day they have been the only means of pure element in my perception of black women as sexual creatures.

The role of the black female as mother is universal. Knowingly she nurtures. Her body in terms of its physical stature is a conduit for reproduction. This perhaps is deemed as controversial in its perception as to the girth and breasts of the black woman. Poetically I used a term the "gargantuan nipple" as a statuesque symbol from which we as children of the world suck from.

What then are the elements of the physicality of black women and that of white women?

Naturally the black girl is more likely to be born with "thickness" what a white girl would assume with obesity. This is purely a summation and a controversial one at that. These images have become relevant with the popularity of hip hop culture. Back in the 80's with videos from artists stemming from Oakland, California and other parts of the West Coast, black girls with big hips were featured as bodacious. 70's Pam Grier is the only other black female that comes to mind. With the the success of hip hop, music videos continued to feature these wild women who "twerked" their way through popular culture.

Twerking has its roots as far back as popular African music with the likes of Fela, the Nigerian musician and his female dancers. This sexually suggestive rocking and rolling of the body, especially the buttocks, is an example of the black female as more sexually potent. The black female has a sexual nature that comes from the barracks of a jungle where animals mate. Perhaps this instinct stems from that.

The black vulva or "black pussy" is a muscle or sex organ that operates based on its relevance to diet and health. Subjectively black women have been known to be more aggressive sexually. It's more so the sentiment of two black people making love as an example of sex in its most native sense than the black female as a sexual animal. But in comparing the notion of a black woman or the taste of a black woman sexually as compared with the white female, the black pussy maybe judged by a higher caloric and cholesterol content. The scent of sweat on a black woman is relative to the smell of her pussy. Hence the masculine black male and the feminine black female mate naturally based on their histories.

The white cunt is considered pure and neutral almost like water. It's overall history reverts back to colonialism. The blonde white female is safe, protected by an economy, advertism, politics, Catholicism. The only notion or perspective where the sexual identity of a black woman mimics a white woman's is self identity. The person or personae is crucial in every case. The individual carries with her an identity which is personal to the self. This is a means of maturity from the beginning and how it meets its end.

Sexually a person matures based on knowledge of sex through sexual partners and conferring with other women, be it friends, family or even doctors. The mating process is based on instinct. The instinctive prowess is based on the person's identity, a result rooted in psychology and other means like genetics.

As a result black pussy meets its beginning and end as reproductive. Whereas the black vulva, the muscle is as a means of controversially speaking promiscuous. This promiscuity is more pertaining to economic status and lack of education.

White cunt is a manifestation of advertising and has a commercial status. Once this is is removed the white female is drawn to the very same notion of promiscuity in this our age of internet porn.

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