Monday, January 12, 2015

Oh these sufferings they sway like a bird on a vine
But from these sufferings they say are songs to be song
Hallowed be words I paint the air with and with this voice I sing
Let it be known this nest of a thing is our mansion of twigs, feathers and leaves
We live here, we breed here, fly over customary things, barbaric wolves
It is love that brings us together, this our mariachi of Mexican hats and piñata
Dance with me, call off guards, if we wake thieves, please, please me
Hold my hand as they watch us revolve around sofas and chairs, dancing
Make merry with me, tap, tap parquet floors, open your heart's door
Let love lie there like a tortured ballerina with rosary beads around her neck
We dance the Betty Blue dance, butterfly wings and buttery feet
From her stories to his histories, this is the story of you and me
A future boy and girl, in this our vision we mother and father
Stories about centuries and cities, time passing, titillating

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