Friday, May 22, 2015
Illustrator of Words
Over backwards in time, an even mind where color assumes shape
A child finger painting, possessed activity emanating from dreams
Drama, friction leads to mother, begotten by father, made eccentric
Complications amount, therefore presumable as a gift from heavens
If not understood, consummated during sessions and hellish seasons
Who are the people positioned on the art wall – what religion is this
Orgy of politics on which they stand; most profound disciplinary action
Academia is not our savior; those fortunate speak with that eloquence
On Parisian verandas overlooking a city landscape – respirer, expirez
Language, an orifice needs penetrating, pleasure yourself Picassos
Dangling participles - opposite sex is everything that means everything
Come find rooms within that leisure where you contemplate your future
Shout out Hosanna, she sits on a chair, she becomes the chair, paint her
Denominations, apprentices and muses, visions under which we become
Curators, know – it – all’s, high acumen gathering information for fun
Some say we are doomed, how can a person high on whimsy succeed
Much a child who pretends, designating ourselves uncanny, creative
Laughing at the loony bin, kindergarten critters running around in circles
Ever witnessed chefs gathered dressed in white on a chain smoking binge
That is photography, birds on a wire, crime scene, couple at a train station
If ever filmmakers were god, assigned each a nation, capitalists will recede
Art activists, cultural workers, we turn our attention to the color wheel
As the earth spins, dance, not everyone wants to be illustrator of words
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Of an aging Rock and Roller, Women tell tales by the Sea
Night washing – seaweed woven into locks of women by the beach
Come to cleanse red capes left behind, a life once was glamorous
On stage he brought under control thousands there to see him croon
Show them sweet persuasion King Pleasure, oh you groomed chanteur
With a jerk of your hips, thrust your pelvis into the oncoming smoke
Fiery wind, this is California where girls come to die, awaken soldier
Musical marine, lead your band members across the imaginary sea
While background singers harmonize, watch them sway back and forth
This rhythm, this decadence mothers warned us about, now explode
Canonize, call upon false prophets, gypsies fall at your feet, lurching
Stars were all aligned this evening, these groupies washed shirt to shirt
Soapsuds undressed dirt from cotton of clothes, rhinestone and leather
Lonesome women came to remember him, not long ago he did damage
For all that he was, began resurfacing their conscience, memory sensational
Beds full of dirty virgins, wormed their way across carpets, wall to wall
The pageantry had begun, who was this messiah, lover how you dared
Touched flesh, smelling, a kind best described as milk, newest unborn
Channeled them through rapture; made love with your voice as you sang
Drank up Manchester, blood in fights you have fought, men you courted
Brought them home as thieves, held the night hostage, broke into homes
That was your youth, raven hair, tattoo skull, smashed guitars, set them afire
As the ocean meets the shore, the girls rinse water from clothes, hum along
Rush of waves crash against rocks, against the years, knew him untouchable
Where do the aged ones go when masters of ceremony call for the show
Laugh lines claim faces that were supple, now plastic, surgery pending
He walks gardens a little slower, unrecognizable in darkened shades
Come grizzly, strum the acoustic, sing a song from your previous life
Make children follow you barefoot in the sand, live long into infinity
Claim authority for all rockers come before you, it is only a beginning
There will be love; there will be love when they all ask for an encore
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Concerto for Last Days on Earth
The city was underwater - if it were alcohol, policemen and firemen would be off-duty
Was it whiskey that made you thirst, drug dealers out on bail unhinging bones from sockets
Breathe into me, breath of Cicero; call up a bartender’s decadent beauty at happy hour
Millennial masquerade - I have come to claim my right, this is the future, order to disorder
Unearth the vampires from your bosom, caked bats flinging from your nipples – is this desire
Do you cork the medicine bottle to keep me from suicide, insert image of a cello player in heat
Water pours, indeed it does, where it reaches a crescendo, I will find the ocean at war
Salute, fire once to approach, aim to kill; these ships have known many battles, adrift at sea
Sell me a concoction, a deadly dose of disillusionment – with your Irish accent let it be known
Wise whores street - selling their wares, half - hearted breasts, caramel – colored skin
We have come to cause a commotion, we have come to ridicule – this is the door to the basement
Husbands and wives do damage here- on water beds they prepare themselves for harassment
Message from sergeant to doctor – I’ve taken enough bullets, this is where I beg for forgiveness
Spread me evenly on a mattress, lay a hand on my forehead – he hears the voice of an operatic diva
Somewhere, a nightmare far away and near, night songs are written by apoplectic composers
Mob men hide explosives in walls of tenement housing soon to explode – will film credits roll
Will the junks embark on a threat or treat, sharpened incisors, bite the luncheon meat; draw blood
The color blood, paper white, stretched canvas for art’s sake, painting portraits of Richelieu
God-king, for all that I am, where do I bury my personas, now that I’m emerging, less psychological
Anthropological, I raise you a skeleton for flesh, cheers to that, perhaps a shot of camphor and codeine
Excess is all; fat bottomed shoes, disco dresses, whereas the nurses bring them in as they overdose
Clit to skin; cut cutting, severing ties with family, at day’s end they gather on bridges to march
Occupation, hurler of bricks, fire starter, bomb throwing truant, scattering when the sirens wail
Is this not the end, rather a beginning, a condition, an affliction which requires necessary attention
It is your homogeny; I come from a field of storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, sand dunes
Any river junction will welcome you, standing tall in your soldier suit, army green, no weapons needed
Go where the boys go, I have adoration for cabaret girls, star-lit, awe struck, counting pennies
At Broadway’s end, they peel off their clothes, walk barefoot onto stage and rehearse monologues
Time has come, indeed a time to form closure, operate on ourselves in the hot hours of our homes
In surgical masks we raise wine glasses, read from manuals - how to apply pressure to broken hearts
Bells will sound for emergency; EMT’s stand defibrillators in hand, preparing for conclusion to a scene
Two lovers climaxing – is it their bodies they’ll bring to ward, must they resuscitate them for tomorrow