Friday, May 22, 2015

Illustrator of Words

Over backwards in time, an even mind where color assumes shape
A child finger painting, possessed activity emanating from dreams
Drama, friction leads to mother, begotten by father, made eccentric
Complications amount, therefore presumable as a gift from heavens
If not understood, consummated during sessions and hellish seasons
Who are the people positioned on the art wall – what religion is this
Orgy of politics on which they stand; most profound disciplinary action
Academia is not our savior; those fortunate speak with that eloquence
On Parisian verandas overlooking a city landscape – respirer, expirez
Language, an orifice needs penetrating, pleasure yourself Picassos
Dangling participles - opposite sex is everything that means everything
Come find rooms within that leisure where you contemplate your future
Shout out Hosanna, she sits on a chair, she becomes the chair, paint her
Denominations, apprentices and muses, visions under which we become
Curators, know – it – all’s, high acumen gathering information for fun
Some say we are doomed, how can a person high on whimsy succeed
Much a child who pretends, designating ourselves uncanny, creative
Laughing at the loony bin, kindergarten critters running around in circles
Ever witnessed chefs gathered dressed in white on a chain smoking binge
That is photography, birds on a wire, crime scene, couple at a train station
If ever filmmakers were god, assigned each a nation, capitalists will recede
Art activists, cultural workers, we turn our attention to the color wheel
As the earth spins, dance, not everyone wants to be illustrator of words

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