Friday, December 14, 2007

Philosophy and Rock and roll
Black Equation

Kofi Fosu Forson

I choose neither black nor white. But it seems over the many decades, as I’ve personally evolved, my philosophies have changed and in keeping with sense of truth, those who manage to accept my current imaginings, goings and comings are the ones I confide in, not the belief of who is black or white.

The female then took on this notion. It wasn’t as if I had concertedly developed a feeling against black women. They were never in existence among my circle of friends. These friends were brought about due to mutual interests. It bordered mostly rock and roll. Commonly, it served as background music during most of our times spent together.

Early hip-hop was very much a part of life, separate from the rock and roll. I lived it through the eyes of my younger brothers. I felt committed to it, mainly because it was music for black youth, something I couldn’t find in soul music. And so on a mission to find the black cause within me, I started listening to rap music. It was also at a time when I discovered different forms of music, blues and jazz among them.

Despite this newfound love for rap music, I didn’t attract African American women. Once again, there was a disassociation between both cultures. Somehow black women were distant. I understood that to be something founded in philosophy more than race.

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