Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Royal Preparatory
Realm of Fantasy

Kofi Fosu Forson

At The Royal Preparatory where I attended classes, my cousin dated a Danish girl of mixed parentage. She was different from my other mates. I watched her dressed in our traditional red uniform. On most mornings and afternoons, mornings we gathered for assembly and afternoons we had intramural matches and broke for lunch, the yard was a sea of red and khaki. This particular girl stood out with her pale face. She was usually idle, otherwise she and my cousin wandered the grounds of the school. The girls at the preparatory were beautiful. Some of them, had they made the trip to America, would have been fashion models. They formed more of an impression on me. The Danish girl weighed on my conscience not something that echoed in sensibility.

Thinking about my role as lover, I had always fallen prey to the fantasy woman. To have accepted her as a dream and let my mind seek further pleasures, I would have salvaged any pain from feeling inferior, when I could have offered myself to a girl I truly loved. Even at that, I was in love with a classmate I saw only once. She was fair skinned. Watching the sun reflect on her face as she walked up the staircase was unusually a cinematic experience. More so a silent film because in the very moment, I couldn’t hear a thing, except to watch her in motion.

Female within the realm of fantasy is an element a man with an imaginative mind can maneuver. As an exercise in art, this leads to works of creativity, rendering the female as singularly the most important source of inspiration on my art and philosophy, place of habitude, light and dark, notwithstanding.

The two women from the Royal Preparatory who encouraged that spirit of light were not sources of young love. Instead they spearheaded a feeling of eternity. Eternal love is never always embraced physically. The notion of love shared with the eyes alone for a moment, lives on forever. To actualize love in a relationship is a blessing. But not all is lost if little is gained. That very much lives forever.

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