Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Future 80’s
Julian Schnabel Factor

Kofi Fosu Forson

Who remembers Johnny Mnemonic, Robert Longo’s sci-fi film starring Keanu Reeves?

It was time when art world saw diversification in lives of artists like Longo, David Salle and Cindy Sherman. They all saw it fit to transform creative process from fine art to film.

All these artists had garnered individual success in ever lucrative art market of 1980’s. Much was celebrated in world of art, literature and film.

Be it that some of these works of literature were being translated into film as in Jay Mclnerny’s Bright Lights, Big City and those of Brett Easton Ellis, Less Than Zero, and others that followed decade or so later, it seemed natural for some of these artists to find new source of inspiration in art of cinema.

Unfortunately, they failed to attract any attention. It could be interpreted as these artists not having mastered craft of filmmaking.

Perhaps it seemed evident that working within frame of canvas and camera was relevant to structure of frame by frame in process of making movies. However so, these artists enjoy occasional comeback, finding themselves doing new works of art or being rewarded for their role in history.

Therein lays the Julian Schnabel factor. He’s truly the only fine artist among his contemporaries who succeeded at filmmaking and continues to paint. His film Basquiat was poetic success and The Diving Bell and The Butterfly is currently receiving rave reviews.

Is ghost of 1980’s hovering over this current decade? Schnabel would surely prove that to be true.

Another film maker from 1980’s, Jim Jarmusch, who stemmed from that creative environment along with Schnabel, won awards at Cannes Film Festival in respective years for their directorial achievement.

With success of You Tube and internet in general, creativity has been given a new voice. That was true element found in 1980’s.

As with Google many inquiring minds can now know Suzanne Malouk. To only have her back as Venus to entertain us once again, perhaps we can forget this Britney thing once and for all.

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