Friday, January 11, 2008

Sarkozy and Bruni
Politics, Art and Sex

Kofi Fosu Forson

Power is definitive psychologically as political and intellectual. Within these realms of existence, wealth of influence can be profound.

Nicolas Sarkozy, French president and Carla Bruni, one time supermodel are in midst of torrid media love affair. Outcry here is purely operatic, made so by themes of politics and sex. Uniformly, it is pageantry of politics and sex that drives this courtship. Sex lives of men in power have always been glorified, from celebrity to athlete.

Why is “Sarkozy and Bruni” important? Much reason J.F.K and Monroe, Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath and Brian Ferry and Jeri Hall are important.

J.F.K and Marilyn Monroe were modernity in sex. Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath were much the soap opera. Brian Ferry and Jerry Hall were rock and roll couple. Sarkozy and Bruni are postmodernist in terms of sex as language.

Dialogue of this nature has undergone rampant sophistication. As celebrities, they challenge virtuousness, resulting in matter of embrace or conflict. Much of this is decidedly fodder for gossip, ironically celebrated as headline news.

Why then do “Sakozy and Bruni” matter not purely as political charade but rather congruent to principle of gender politics, artist and muse, power and sex and very element begotten by Andy Warhol; that of prominent gentleman and his model partner?

1980’s saw like of Jay Mclnerny and others deemed yuppie sipping on martinis and accompanying occasional model. Perception of model in pop culture has been around forever. But 1950’s to 60’s saw model not purely as carnival act but prominent as popular icon. Rock and roll culture with its mix of sex and drugs furthered the partnership of prominent models with men of culture and power.

Perhaps Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni are undergoing something seasonal. Judging by pattern with which Bruni has maneuvered from man to man they are likely to enjoy this as sex of century.

This says little about prowess of Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton. Either that or this is more about sex life of mere rock and roll groupie who seems to have overachieved.

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